Monday, August 24, 2020
Community Health Partnerships Essay
Network: Social gatherings of any size whose individuals dwell in a particular territory, share government, and frequently have a typical social and chronicled legacy. A social, strict, word related, or other gathering sharing basic attributes or intrigue and saw or seeing itself as particular in some regard from the bigger society inside which it exist ( Stanhope and Lancaster, 2012). Network Health: Refers to the wellbeing status of a characterized gathering of individuals, or network, and the activities and conditions that secure and improve the soundness of the network. Those people who make up a network live in a to some degree limited territory under a similar general guidelines, standards, qualities, and associations. For instance, the wellbeing status of the individuals living in a specific town, and the activities taken to ensure and improve the soundness of these inhabitants would comprise network wellbeing (Green and Ottoson, 1999). ). Network Health is the gathering of aggregate needs by recognizing issues and overseeing practices inside the network itself and between the network and the bigger society (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2012). Network as Client: The idea of network as customer depends on the presumption that network nursing practice is â€Å"community oriented,†looking for â€Å"healthful change for the entire network. The people group is a customer just when the nursing center is around the group of basic great of the populace rather than on singular wellbeing (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2012). Network Health Partnerships: characterizes as deliberate joint efforts of differing network associations, which have united so as to seek after a mutual enthusiasm for improving network wellbeing. Network Health Partnerships vary from customary network associations in their blend of open and private individuals and they separate from grass roots associations with their incorporation of different constituents and partners. (McKenzie and Smeltzer, 1997) Lay people group individuals have a personal stake in the accomplishment of endeavors to improve the strength of their locale. Lay people group individuals who are perceived as network pioneers additionally have validity and abilities that wellbeing experts need. Accordingly, fruitful techniques for improvingâ community wellbeing must incorporate network associations as the fundamental methods, or key, for development (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2012). Generally impression of taking an interest family’s network and condition is an internal suburb of New York City named Hackensack, New Jersey, a city in Bergan County, New Jersey. Found 12 miles north west of Midtown Manhattan and around seven miles from the George Washington Bridge, from various areas, you can see the New York City horizon. The Metropolitan grounds of Fairleigh Dickinson University fringes the Hackensack River. The city is known for an extraordinary assorted variety of neighborhoods and land utilizes existing in extremely nearness of one another. Inside its fringes are a gigantic clinical focus, an in vogue skyscraper region about a mile long, great rural neighborhoods of single family homes, impressive more established homes on section of land in addition to parcels, more established two â€family neighborhoods, huge nursery condos buildings, modern zones, the Bergan Count Jail, a flowing waterway, and Hackensack River County Park. Social Diversity and Vul nerable Populations present in the Community: The racial make-up of the city was White, African American, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islanders, Hispanic or Latino. My taking an interest family comprises of an African American lady C.R. 68 years youthful whose family ancestry is African American and Dutch, shares a stunning rural two-family home with her little girl K. R. who is 48 years youthful and her life accomplice S. M. who is thirty nine years youthful and a local of the British Virgin Islands. It is my comprehension from the family that equivalent sex families are definitely part of the network just as interracial couples. The house is pleasantly improved, very much kept and the grounds are all around manicured. The way that the more youthful women are an equivalent sex couple makes them part of a defenseless populace. I asked â€Å"if there were any bias or weight they feel from the area with respect to their lifestyle†? The two of them reacted there is no weight or bias put upon them. I should make reference to the time I have started to go through with them, talking and watching their practices with each other, I need to say,†there is more love among them than some hetero couples have in their little finger for each other†and they are not humiliated by their way of life nor do they shroud what their identity is. They are both excellent individuals all around. Parts of the Community that could influence residents’ wellbeing: Theâ factor in the network that could influence wellbeing is the way that there are numerous modern zones encompassing the networks. The synthetic su bstances, exhaust, and gases that are placed into the demeanor of the network and breathed in by all conceivably could be of risk to the network. The County Jail and the capability of got away from crooks represent a danger to the network; Flooding is a potential danger during typhoons and tempests. Conceptive and Sexual Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health is applicable to the network in that the objective is to keep up and improve wellbeing and prosperity. LGBT people envelop all races and ethnicities, religions, and social classes. Taking out wellbeing differences and upgrading endeavors to improve wellbeing are important to guarantee that LGBT people can lead long solid lives (sound 2020), REFERENCES: Green, L.W., Ottoson, J. M. (1999). Network and Population Health, (eighth ed.) Boston: WCB/McGraw-Hill McKenzie, J. F., Smeltzer, J.L. (1997). Arranging, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs: A Primer; (second ed.), Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J. (2008) (eighth ed,). Populace Centered Health Care in the Community. St. Louis, MO.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Process For Firing a Government Employee
The Process For Firing a Government Employee The administrative government’s disciplinary faculty process have become so lumbering that just around 4,000 representatives per year 0.2 % of the absolute workforce of 2.1 million are terminated, as per the Government Accountability Office (GAO). In 2013, the government organizations excused around 3,500 representatives for execution or a mix of execution and direct. In its report to the Senate Homeland Security Committee, the GAO expressed, â€Å"The time and asset duty expected to expel a poor performing perpetual worker can be substantial.†Actually, found the GAO, terminating a government representative regularly takes from a half year to longer than a year. â€Å"According to chose specialists and GAO’s writing audit, worries over inner help, absence of execution the executives preparing, and lawful issues can likewise diminish a supervisor’s ability to address poor performance,†composed the GAO. Keep in mind, it really took a demonstration of Congress to give the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs the ability to out and out fire senior VA administrators who neglected to satisfy execution guidelines. As the GAO noticed, the in 2014 yearly overview of every single government representative, just 28% said the offices they worked for had any conventional strategy for managing incessantly ineffectively performing laborers. The Probationary Period Problem In the wake of being recruited, most government representatives serve a one-year trial period, during which the come up short on similar rights to advance disciplinary activities †like terminating †as workers who have finished probation. It is during that trial period, prompted the GAO when the offices should attempt their hardest to recognize and cut out the â€Å"bad word†workers before they gain the full option to bid. As per the GAO, about 70% of the 3,489 government representatives terminated in 2013 were terminated during their trial period. While the specific number isn't known, a few representatives confronting disciplinary activities during their trial period decide to leave instead of have a terminating on their record, noticed the GAO. Nonetheless, announced the GAO, work unit directors â€Å"often don't utilize this opportunity to settle on execution related choices about an employee’s execution since they may not realize that the trial period is closure or they have not had the opportunity to watch execution in all basic areas.†Accordingly, numerous new workers fly â€Å"under the radar†during their trial periods. ‘Unacceptable,’ Says Senator The GAO was approached to examine the administration terminating process by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin), director of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. In an announcement on the report, Sen. Johnson thought that it was â€Å"unacceptable that a few offices let the primary year sneak past without leading execution surveys, never mindful that the trial period had terminated. The trial time frame is probably the best device the central government needs to get rid of poor-performing workers. Organizations must accomplish more to assess the worker during that timespan and choose whether she or he can do the job.†Among other remedial activities, the GAO suggested the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) the government’s HR division broaden the obligatory trial time frame past 1-year and incorporate at any rate one full representative assessment cycle. In any case, the OPM said broadening the trial time frame would most likely require, you got it, â€Å"legislative action†with respect to Congress.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Your Credit Score vs. Your Card Limits
Your Credit Score vs. Your Card Limits Your Credit Score vs. Your Card Limits Your Credit Score vs. Your Card LimitsHow does one impact the other?The relationship between credit cards and credit scores can often be fraught. Proper credit card use will help build your score, and advanced credit card use can allow you to benefit from rewards programs in ways that can save you a lot of money. Poor credit card use, however, can drag your credit score down and leave you in a spiral of debt.“People who have lower credit limits can easily fall into a trap of overusing their credit card,†warned Igor Mitic, editor-in-chief of “And when that happens, credit reports will show it and it will decrease their credit score.â€But that’s not all. Not only will your credit card use affect your credit score, but your credit score is the most significant factor when it comes to determining what credit cards you can access, if any.Read on to get the rundown on starting your path toward credit card mastery.The importance of having a credit cardA common miscon ception around credit scores is that every individual starts out with good credit, and only through bad financial decisions can you harm the pristine credit score you inherited at birth. However, we arrive on Earth with no credit score at all. Only by demonstrating proper use of credit can you build a credit history, which is the most impactful ingredient in cooking up your credit score.Proper credit card use is one of the most reliable ways to build a credit card history or improve a poor or fair credit card score. By keeping the balance on the card to around one-third of your spending limit and paying the bill in full every month, you won’t have to pay interest costs and your credit score will grow and grow.Unfortunately, this creates somewhat of a “chicken and egg†dilemma.Your credit score’s impact on credit card accessWithout a good credit score, you will have difficulty qualifying for a credit card with a good rate and spending limit, as Dave Sullivan, vice-president o f marketing for the People Driven Credit Union, explained: “Most banks have something called risk-based pricing. Risked-based pricing is used to match the risk of the credit card holder to the appropriate interest rate. The lower the score, the higher the rate.â€If your credit score is low enough, you may not be able to qualify for a traditional credit card at any rate. Fortunately there are reasonable nontraditional options.Secured credit cards are one common solution. The “security†comes through a cash collateral that you must provide to the bank during your use of the card. If you don’t pay your bills, the bank can seize the money.While having the cash on hand to apply for a secured credit card may require some saving, if you do have the cash, you shouldn’t have a problem. “All borrowers should be able to get a secured account regardless of their credit profile,†Sullivan assured.Mitic offered a couple other options you could consider (with caution):Store credit c ards: “Some retail stores are approving applicants with bad credit,†Mitic said. “However, people should be aware that those credit cards can be used only at that store and they usually have high interest rates.â€Companies that look at the big picture: For those who have a low credit score or don’t have one at all, there are companies that have their own process for evaluation credit card applications. For instance, Mitic said, they might look at employment and bank account balances and also may not ask for a security deposit.You should also do your own research to find out what available credit card options might work best for your specific situation. Regardless of what option you choose, it is vital to always remember to pay down your entire bill every month.Advanced credit card techniquesOnce you manage to build up your credit score, you can start exploring advanced credit card use. You will still want to maintain the same general practices that got you to your good cred it score, but you can begin researching cards that will reward you rather than penalize you for using them.Different cards offer different kinds of rewards for different kinds of spending. Be aware that some of these cards will require you to pay an annual fee, but by strategically managing your credit cards, you can maximize your savings and benefits. Consider creating a spreadsheet or using some other method of tracking your card use so you don’t make any mistakes and risk letting your score fall again.Proper credit card use is a skill that will require practice to build the best habits. The sooner you can get started, the sooner you will be on your way to mastering your cards.ContributorsIgor Mitic is an experienced writer and content creator in the financial niche. He has extensive experience working with banks, insurance companies, and other institutions that create financial products and services. He is passionately sharing his knowledge as the editor-in-chief at Fortunly.c om, a website dedicated to the simple explanation of financial matters to ordinary people.Dave Sullivan is the VP of Marketing for People Driven Credit Union. He started in the mortgage industry as a loan officer in 1991. Less than one year later started selling credit reports to mortgage companies, banks, and credit unions. On September 19, 1997, he started AIR Credit Midwest out of his car. During the next two years, Air Credit Midwest grew to a multimillion dollar company. In 2000, he sold Air Credit Midwest to one of the largest credit reporting bureaus. In 2011, Sullivan started a YouTube channel providing free advice on improving your credit. He is the author of the book Transform Your Credit. Follow him @peopledrivencu.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
SR Letter 11-7 Attachment Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Office of the Comptroller of the Currency April 4, 2011 SUPERVISORY GUIDANCE ON MODEL RISK MANAGEMENT CONTENTS I. Introduction, page II. Purpose and Scope, page III. Overview of Model Risk Management, page IV. Model Development, Implementation, and Use, page V. Model Validation, page VI. Governance, Policies, and Controls, page VII. Conclusion, page 1 2 3 5 9 16 21 I. INTRODUCTION Banks rely heavily on quantitative analysis and models in most aspects of financial decision making.[Fo tn1oe They routinely use models for a broad range of activities, including underwriting credits; valuing exposures, instruments, and positions; measuring risk; managing and†¦show more content†¦For example, steps taken to apply this guidance at a community bank using relatively few models of only moderate complexity might be significantly less involved than those at a larger bank where use of models is more extensive or complex.[PageBreak] - For instance, the OCC provided guidance on model risk, focusing on model validation, in OCC 2000-16 (May 30, 2000), other bulletins, and certain subject matter booklets of the Comptrollers Handbook. The Federal Reserve issued SR Letter 09-01, Application of the Market Risk Rule in Bank Holding Companies and State Member Banks, which highlights various concepts pertinent to model risk management, including standards for validation and review, model validation documentation, and back-testing. The Federal Reserves Trading and Capital-Markets Activities Manual also discusses validation and model risk management. In addition, the advanced-approaches risk-based capital rules (12 CFR 3, Appendix C; 12 CFR 208, Appendix F; and 12 CFR 225, Appendix G) contain explicit validation requirements for subject banking organizations.EndofFootnote2.] Page 2 III. OVERVIEW OF MODEL RISK MANAGEMENT For the purposes of this document, the term model refers to a quantitative method, system, or approach that applies statistical, economic, financial, or mathematical theories, techniques, and assumptions to process input data into quantitative
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Body Shop Study Case - 2587 Words
Executive Summary The Body Shop International PLC has been facing a myriad of issues in the late 1990s. At its creation, the body shop has seen tremendous growth and success. The company thrived to bring a new revolutionary business model and was extremely successful. But after those successful years in the early 1990s, the competition became fierce as new entrants came and absorbed parts of the market. This led to declining sales and profits for the company as they were not able to differentiate themselves from the new competition. The founder of The Body Shop PLC, Anita Roddick, who was the previous Chief Executive Officer, decided to step down and handed over the position to Patrick Gournay. The new CEO implemented a new strategy and†¦show more content†¦As a result, the company failed to maintain their niche brand image and the quality of products was perceived as mediocre. Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop International PLC, believes in social change and action, and skin care. Financial results were of the least concern to her. After persistent failures of trying to revitalize the company, she stepped down as Chief Executive Officer in 1998 and Patrick Gournay came on board instead. Even as management changed, problems continued in fiscal year 2001 because the revenue increased by 13% but pretax profit declined by 21%. Yet, Gournay was confident that a newly implemented strategy would produce improved results. The new strategy consisted of three principal objectives: â€Å"To enhance The Body Shop brand through focused product strategy and increased investment in stores; to achieve operational efficiencies in our supply chain by reducing product and inventory costs; and to reinforce stakeholder culture.†According to the newly implemented strategy, we will estimate The Body Shop’s future earnings and financial needs to come up with short term and long term plans for The Body Shop. Since Anita is a strong-willed decision-maker without patience for finance, we will make both technically and practically correct projections by doing sensitivity analysis. 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Background and Rationale for the Research Free Essays
Violence is an intrinsic phenomenon in human society and its occurrence or recurrence indicates the ever dynamic character of society. Violence ensues because man ‘s interests and inclinations are varied and often antagonistic. The propensity of man to pursue his selfish interests which usually give room for the outbreaks of violence necessitated the evolution of the state as an impartial referee to check human excesses. We will write a custom essay sample on Background and Rationale for the Research or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Africa, conflicts leading to violence have become a major source of concern due to their recurrent nature and consequence on the continent ‘s development efforts The problem of insurgency in Africa dates back to 1904 when Moroccan insurgents kidnapped American nationals at Tangier, Morocco (Nwolise, 2005). The Nigerian experience of insurgency started pre-independence and increased significantly after independence (Olaniyan and Asuelime, 2014). However, in recent years, the insurgency in Northern Nigeria by Boko Haram continues to attract worldwide attention and it is impacting on the corporate existence of the country, especially on agricultural, which is the main economic activity in Northern Nigeria (Osumah, 2013) The insurgency has created the big humanitarian crisis, with the recorded number of internally displaced persons totalling 2.3 million people in 2017 (United Nations Refugee Agency, 2017). The literature on counter-insurgency propose diverse frameworks for understanding as well as tackling the issue, e.g. defeat through the enemy, population-centric methods- with the focused programme of support for the state. (Williams et al, 2016) An examination of literature in counter-insurgency in Nigeria shows that the response of the state has been multi-dimensional and multi-agency approach (through active colouration with both statutory, non-statutory and not for profit organisations) (Onapajo, 2017) Whilst, this is the case, the counter-insurgency approach and intervention have weighed more heavily on the military as opposed to non-military measures. Evidence shows that this approach has been counterproductive as violent activities and various crimes against humanity are still being committed by Boko Haram (Amnesty International, 2015). The author is of the opinion that the state approach requires more thorough examination, â€Å"even when there are multidimensional differences between Nigerian state and states likes India where military approach solely worked in defeating the insurgents and for this †This research has as its focus – a critical assessment of counterinsurgency measures and strategies in Nigeria, which have been two-fold: First, militarist methods like deployment of soldiers and creation of new military base in the northeast (Akinbi, 2015), and second, the political methods such as the establishment of Internally Displace Centres (IDC) across the country and active collaboration with international organisations and security agencies (Onuoha, 2012). It aims to explore why in spite of the interventions, insurgency activities are still going on in Nigeria. The research will scrutinize existing research on counterinsurgency in Nigeria and Africa, especially published works by policymakers and academics as well as security agencies. Statement of the Problem and Justification for the Research Evidence revealed that insurgency in the country is a reflection of weakness and lack of institutional frameworks and capacity. Also, it reflects a myriad of the economic, social, cultural and political quagmire the country is experiencing currently by Naeke (2016) cited in the African-Centred Solutions Building Peace and Security in Africa. As mentioned above, this research aims to examine the counterinsurgency approaches in Nigeria, with the principal purpose of developing or identifying a workable framework of analysis. It is hoped that this research will contribute to future research on counter-terrorism measures in Nigeria. The British counterinsurgency strategies applied in Malaya (1948-1960) that successfully transplanted in Kenya (1952-1960) will also be explored, as they appear to have worked in a multi-ethnic setting. This approach has been far-fetched in the Nigerian state counter-insurgency measures. The above points are also mentioned by Weitz (2006) who noted that use of military approach can only record a success in the counterinsurgency campaign if it utilizes best practices to look into the factors that led to the crisis, and provide needed facilities to discourage both citizens and followers of the insurgent group through providing educational awareness. Therefore, this work will explore counterinsurgency that will incorporate population-centric factors and interventions, in opposition to enemy-centric styles (see, e.g. Sitaraman, 2009). The work of Sitaraman will be used as a theoretical and policy framework because it is relevant to this research due to its focus on population-centric interventions. To date, there is the paucity of policy and scholarly research work on the effectiveness of the Nigerian counterinsurgency strategies. This claim gives credence and justification for doing this research, in view of two decades of failed policy interventions and the seriousness of the insurgency. It is hoped that the findings may be used by the government of Nigeria to revise its approach. This research is significant because it will scrutinize the security apparatus of government and their short-comings so far in handling the activities of the insurgents in the country. This current research is timely intervention because it will assist the policy-makers in the areas of formulation and implementation of public policy, especially counterinsurgency strategies. This current research will contribute more knowledge to the subject matter –counterinsurgency strategy, not only in Nigeria but other Sub- Saharan African States who are under the threats of insurgent groups. This research, therefore, becomes significant as it is geared towards identifying the best practice counterinsurgency strategy with a view to establish that the country adopted style is inappropriate and ineffective therefore necessitating the adaptation and adoption of best practices that are valuable to the fighting of modern insurgency like the Nigerian experience. The Aim of the Research The research aim is to explore the counterinsurgency interventions by the Nigerian government to address the Boko Haram Insurgency in the Northern Part of the Country Objectives of The Research The objectives of the research are: To understand the nature and extent of insurgency in Northern Part of Nigeria To explore whether social cultural and economic settings are imperative to the analysis of insurgency To scrutinise literature on counter-insurgency in order to identify the different theoretical perspectives and philosophical positions as well as unpack the different concepts that are relevant, e.g. identity, religious, ethnic affiliations. To explore the level of international co-operation and multi and bilateral agreements on counter-insurgency in Nigeria. Research Question The following research question has been identified: Are the counterinsurgency intervention measures and strategies introduced by the Nigerian government fit for purpose? The Scope and Limitations of the Research The research delimits the scope to cover Nigeria’s State Policies and Strategies on counterinsurgency operations from 2009 to 2017. This research scope covers the government interventions to the Boko Haram insurgency in particular from 2009 when the insurgent group commence violent attacks in the North-East before its activities came to capture global and national attention, to 2017. Emphasis will be placed on the response of the Nigerian state within this period. The major limitation of this research is the inability of the researcher to gain access to members of the Boko Haram sect for interviews. Some victims of the sect ‘s activities which were reached in Jos, Lagos, Kaduna and Abuja were not willing to talk, and this forms another setback to this research. Furthermore, members of the public particularly the target population for this research especially security agencies like the Department of State Security (SSS), the Police Force, Defence Headquarters etc. we’re not willing to divulge necessary information on grounds that the required information is classified and the Theater Commander of the Operation Lafiya Dole is far from the targeted population, the headquarters of the Operation Lafiya Dole is at Maiduguri, Borno State and is not part of the fieldwork area. The significance of the research This research shall be of significance to knowledge as it will enable the Nigerian authorities and members of the public to appreciate what really need to put in place for winning hearts and minds of the populations, rather than sincerely and consciously getting to the immediate root causes of Boko Haram Insurgency and addressing them there from proactively, the Nigerian state rather adopts a violent or reactive approach which has so far not been successful but has only worsened the situation and to avoid the causes of another Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria. It will also enhance an understanding of the stages of the crisis in order to build up counterinsurgency interventions to effectively arrest insurgent violence when they erupt if there is the failure in the application of early warning. Finally, it will serve as a contribution to existing literature on the counterinsurgency interventions which can assist other researchers in future studies. This research therefore becomes significant as it is geared towards identifying the best practice of counterinsurgency interventions to win the hearts and minds of the population and to curb the activities of the insurgents and the remote and immediate causes of the Boko Haram insurgency with a view to establishing the policy framework that the country intervention measures to managing the Boko Haram. Violence is inappropriate and ineffective therefore necessitating the adoption of more effective and amicable counterinsurgency interventions. Organization of Chapters This research is structured into a seven-chapter framework. Chapter one introduces the research and comprises of the statement of the problem, objectives, significance, and scope and limitations. Chapter two comprises of literature review and theoretical framework of the research. Chapter three presents a general overview of the Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria. Chapter four presents the various steps taken to conduct the data collection and design. Chapter five explores the counterinsurgency interventions to counter Boko Haram Insurgency in Nigeria and asses the counterinsurgency interventions to counter insurgents in the developed and developing countries. Chapter six discuss the research findings and analysis of data obtained from the potential participants through semi-structured. Chapter seven discuss the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the research. The operational definition of terms Insurgency The research will adopt the definition of the United States Department of Defence to describe insurgency as a group that aimed at the overthrow of a legitimate and constituted authority of a state through the use of subversion and armed conflict (Sources) It can also be classified as a rebellion against a legitimate government when those taking part in the rebellion are not recognized as belligerents and utilisation of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge the political system. Terrorism Terrorism will be perceived as an attack against the state through an avenue to create violence among the majority non-combatants masses and utilisation of fear to achieve political or ideological goals of the group or movement they represent. (Source) Counterinsurgency Counterinsurgency can be perceived as counterinsurgency campaigns integrate political, security, economic, and informational components that reinforce governmental legitimacy and effectiveness while reducing insurgent influence over the population. COIN strategies should be a comprehensive civilian, military efforts and civic actions taken to simultaneously defeat and contain insurgency and address its root causes and winning hearts and minds of the local populace from insurgent violence; strengthen the legitimacy and capacity of government institutions to govern responsibly and marginalize insurgents politically, socially, and economically. (Source) How to cite Background and Rationale for the Research, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Regional Economic Impacts Of Idaho State Essays -
Regional Economic Impacts Of Idaho State The Regional Economic Impacts of Idaho State University, 1996 Dr. Richard Bowen, President of Idaho State University, requested the Center for Business Research to conduct a study of the impact of the University on Idaho, with particular emphasis on its regional impacts upon the Pocatello area. This publication reports the findings and results of that effort, which was begun in the fall of 1997. This report is a follow-up to, and a complete revision of, a previous study conducted in 1988 (A Report to the President of Idaho State University: The Impact of University-related Expenditures on Idaho's Economy, 1986-87). For several reasons, the direct comparison of the findings of the two reports is not advised. Specifically, the present report utilizes multipliers refined and updated by the Regional Science Research Institute, while the previous report relied upon Input-Output estimates generated by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Input-output Measurement System (RIMS). Secondly, the focus and emphasis of the present report is on the Pocatello area economy, while the 1988 study emphasized state level impacts. Third, the present report attempts to discount those impacts generated by permanent area residents, attempts to estimate a return on investment for the State of Idaho, and makes other refinements or improvements to the 1988 approach. Paul R. Zelus, Ph.D., directed the study, and was ably assisted first by Nancy L. Kelly and then Walter Bulawa, Ph.D., Research Associates of the Center for Business Research at Idaho State University. Acknowledgement is also extended to the many campus officials who provided the often tedious and detailed information needed to conduct the study. The many faculty, staff, and students who responded to expenditure surveys are acknowledged for the critical information they provided. This project was aided immeasurably by the shared experiences of researchers from Boise State University, Northern Arizona University and the University of Virginia. In that order, I acknowledge the helpful comments and advice of Dr. Charles Skoro, Dr. Jerry Conover and Dr. John Knapp. Paul R. Zelus, Ph.D. Project Director Table of Contents Executive Summari Institutional Expenses Faculty and Staff Spending Student Expenditures Visitor Expenditures Impact Assessment Executive Summary This study provides estimates of the economic impact of Idaho State University on the regional economy of the Pocatello area. During the 1996 academic year Idaho State University employed 657 full and part time faculty and 1,156 full and part time staff employees, with wages and benefits totaling $47 million. It served 12,245 students enrolled in a variety of courses and programs of study. The University operated on an annual budget of $149 million, of which $72 million was provided by the State of Idaho in the form of appropriations. Nearly $45 million of its revenue represents federal scholarship and student assistance, while another $22 million is received through student tuition and fees. The remainder of revenue comes from private and miscellaneous sources. Direct local expenditures on the part of the university and its faculty/staff, students and out-of-area visitors exceeded $215 million. Institutional expenditures within the Pocatello economy exceeded $23 million for purchases of professional services ($5.4 million), communication and utility services ($1.9 million), materials, supplies and equipment ($5.3 million), land and buildings ($6.6 million), and miscellaneous purchases ($4.2 million), representing 59% of all institutional purchases. Faculty and staff households paid $11 million in taxes and purchased an estimated $21 million in goods and services based on wages totaling $36 million. The households of students residing in dormitories, in private residences within the Pocatello area, and in private residences outside of the Pocatello area made local purchases totaling $156 million Out of area visitors spent an estimated $7 million on local purchases of goods and services. The indirect and inducted effects of $215 million in local spending stimulates an additional $76 million in regional economic activity, for a total estimated economic impact of $291 million. Permanent residents account for approximately $101 million o f that total, with the remaining $191 million in area expenditures attributed to the university's presence. Considering the State of Idaho's annual budgeted investment of $72 million and its currently valued investment of $149 million in lands, buildings, and equipment, the aforementioned regional expenditures of $191 million represent a return on investment of approximately 87%. Based on lifetime earnings differentials, ISU graduates maintaining a permanent residence within Idaho are estimated to
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Using Conflicts in Decision Making to Make Effective Decisions and a More Cohesive Group Essays
Using Conflicts in Decision Making to Make Effective Decisions and a More Cohesive Group Essays Using Conflicts in Decision Making to Make Effective Decisions and a More Cohesive Group Essay Using Conflicts in Decision Making to Make Effective Decisions and a More Cohesive Group Essay Using Conflicts in Decision Making to Make Effective Decisions and a More Cohesive Group Conflicts arise between co-workers often and over many different matters. Mismanaged conflicts can damage relationships and stalemate group decisions. By learning conflict resolution skills, workers can seize opportunities for growth and open discussion. One can use conflicts that arise in group decision making to make more effective group decisions and a more cohesive group. Conflicts in Group Decision Making Tubbs (2007, p. 09), defined conflict management as The ability to manage conflict so that there is a healthy conflict of ideas without the unhealthy conflict of feelings. Conflict is often thought of as a completely negative event, when in fact it can have many positive effects. Without some form of conflict, problems would not ever be revealed or dealt with. Although there are many cost associated with conflict, there are also many benefits that are often overlooked. Personal Conflicts P ersonal conflict arises out of a sense of being wronged. The perception of inequality, scarcity, and moral or cultural differences gives rise to a emotional grievance (Brahm, 2004, para. 1). Acting out these conflicts is a way of addressing concerns. conflict can give rise to new norms and rules to govern conduct which can have long-term benefits conflict can lead to establishing new statutes meant to deal with the sources of conflict (Brahm, 2004, para. 8). Idea Conflicts Idea conflicts are a difference of opinion. People can have idea conflicts and have no personal conflict- as long as they respect other peoples point of view. Idea conflicts are necessary to create idea diversity. A homogenous set of ideas will not be as creative, comprehensive, or open to new ideas. Ideas conflict can also easily escalate into personal conflicts when workers become more loyal to an idea than to the group synergy. Make Effective Group Decisions With Conflict Building Collaborative Solutions, Inc. (BCS), defines conflict management as the opportunity to improve situations and strengthen relationships' (Tubbs, 2007, p. 315). By resolving disagreements before they turn into personal conflict, workers can keep their focus. Conflicts are often easier to handle when put into proper perspective (Sherman, 2011, p. 52). An open exchange of ideas can contribute to organizational health by valuing honorable conflicts of ideas. Group member should expect and respect differing points of view, while maintaining personal sovereignty of thought. Conflict Solutions conflict can initiate a process through which individuals realize they have common interests and common enemies (Brahm, 2004, para. 10). New bonds can be made in conflict, even as others are being broken down. Outside conflict can bond and energize group members (Tubbs, 2007, p. 315). The challenge is to realize the benefits of conflict in such a way so as to minimize the many costs also associated with conflict (Brahm, 2004, para. 14). If a company provides conflict resolution training to employees, they can reduce the intensity and frequency of future conflicts. Groupthink The term groupthink was coined in the 1970s to describe a situation when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgment within a board (Martyn, 2011, para. ). Groupthink can be effectively be mitigated by a healthy expression of the conflict of ideas. Members of a group guilty of groupthink are usually more concerned with group harmony than with effective decision making (Martyn, 2011, para. 3). When attention is drawn to the hazards of groupthink and benefits of idea diversification, then the group can focus on the best interest o f the organization. Cohesion When conflict resolution happens out of empowerment and collaboration, it allows for more growth and more positive opportunities to be presented. When personal growth is shared between team members it produces bonds learn positive ways of addressing conflict that will minimize hurt feelings, gossip, and a negative environment. Leaders should recognize that organizational level decisions can have an immense effect on both functional and dysfunctional conflict (Harris, Ogbonna, Goode, 2008, p. 453). Perspective be open to the other persons perceptions-instead of casting blame, explore how you both may have contributed to the situation (Freinkel,2004, para. ). Bringing the causes of conflict to the surface will allow for the root problem to be dealt with. No matter who youre dealing with, asking open-ended questions is a great way to create a dialogue (McCurdy, n. d. , p. 3). Discovering the best level of analysis requires a certain navigational skill, a nimble capacity to zoom in, out, and around to different perspectives (Sherman, 2011, p. 52). Conclusion A certain amount of conflict is inevitable, and it must be understood to be channeled. Conflict can be used as an opportunity to grow and improve group interaction. Conflict and resolution is not a zero-sum game; there are benefits when one looks for them. Group cohesion and decision making can certainly be enhanced through the conflict and resolution process. References Brahm, E. (2004). Benefits of Intractable Conflict. Retrieved April 26, 2011 from beyondintractability. org/essay/benefits/ Freinkel, S. (2004, July/August). can we talk? Health, 18(6), 135-138. Harris, L. C. , Ogbonna, E. , Goode M. H. (2008). Intra-functional conflict: an investigation of antecedent factors in marketing functions. European Journal of Marketing, 42(3/4), 453-476. doi:10. 1108/03090560810853011 Martyn, K. (2011, March). Governance groupthink. New Zealand Management, 58(2), 55-56. McCurdy, S. (n. d. ). 5 ways to resolve conflict at work. Retrieved April 24, 2011 from click2houston. com/money/24926751/detail. html Sherman, J. (2011, March/April). Zoom. Psychology Today, 52-53. Tubbs, S. L. , (2007). A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction (9th ed. ). Ney York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Monday, March 2, 2020
Words That Turn on the Root Vert
Words That Turn on the Root Vert Words That Turn on the Root Vert Words That Turn on the Root Vert By Mark Nichol The Latin verb vertere, meaning â€Å"turn,†is the source of a number of English words that pertain to shifting one’s position from the status quo. The list below defines many of these terms (those with prefixes, and their various grammatical forms); a subsequent post will continue the discussion of additional words in the vertere family: those with suffixes and those with the variant root vers rather than vert. Vert is a rare verb meaning â€Å"turn in some direction,†and those four letters constitute the foundation of most words on this list. When attached to a prefix stemming from the element ad-, it yields the verb avert (from the Latin verb avertere, meaning â€Å"turn away†), which retains the sense of its etymological source (usually in the sense of prevention) and the adjective averse, meaning â€Å"disinclined,†and the noun aversion, describing a disinclination bordering on distaste or disgust. Advert, of the same Latin derivation, means â€Å"turn toward,†though this sense is rare; the word is (in British English) now more common as an abbreviation for the noun advertisement. The verb advertise originally meant â€Å"inform†or â€Å"warn†; eventually, it acquired the connotation of â€Å"call attention to goods for sale,†and the noun became likewise associated with announcements of available products. (In American English, the short form is ad, often misspelled in lay writing as add, perhaps from an erroneous association with addition.) The act of using advertisements, and the industry based on doing so, are called advertising. To â€Å"turn†something or someone so that it or him or her is in agreement with something or someone else (whether a device to be made compatible with another or a person whose beliefs are to be aligned with another’s) is to convert; the concept is called conversion. Converse, meaning â€Å"talk,†is a back-formation of conversation, which originally meant â€Å"living together†and subsequently became a euphemism for sexual intercourse; this sense slightly preceded that pertaining to speaking with someone else. Someone who speaks with others, generally in the context of complimenting the person for skill in doing so, is a conversationalist; a rare variant is conversationist. To divert is to turn away; to present multiple qualities (thus turning away from a single reference point) is to be diverse. An act of turning away is a diversion, and an act of making something more diverse, or the natural process by which this occurs, is diversification. Evert and its adjectival and noun forms, which pertain to turning out or over, are rare, but invert, meaning â€Å"reverse,†is commonly used to describe turning something upside down; the noun is inversion. Subvert has the same general meaning, with the connotation of upending what is considered standard; the adjectival form is subversive, and the noun is subversion. The verb pervert, originally an antonym for the religious sense of convert, came to mean, more broadly, â€Å"corrupt.†The word as a noun, by association, refers to someone with deviant sexual urges; perv (sometimes perve) is a slang truncation of the noun and as a verb pertains to perverted behavior. A corruption of accepted behavior or belief, meanwhile, is called a perversion; the adjectival form for the former sense, meanwhile, is perverse. The verbs extrovert and introvert mean â€Å"turn outward†and â€Å"turn inward,†respectively; each also serves as a noun describing a person with a personality consistent with the respective meaning. The adjectival forms are extroverted (alternatively, extraverted in the context of psychology) and introverted, and the action of turning outward or inward is described, respectively, as extroversion or introversion. Someone who exhibits both personality traits is an ambivert, and that state is called ambiversion. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes40 Fish Idioms5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow
Saturday, February 15, 2020
History 9UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
History 9UT - Essay Example However, this role did not last long. Their new roles were quickly snatched away from them once the war ended in 1945. The men who went to fight the war and survived were given back their old jobs and the women sent home packing. The social revolution was, therefore, rendered temporary since the women were subjected to their former roles as housewives as the men took up their jobs. During the social revolution period that took place in 1942, women were still subjected to discrimination at their places of work. The men at the work place never fully accepted them as their equals at the work place, and thus subjected them to different forms of discrimination such as sabotaging their jobs. Even after the social revolution, women continue to face discrimination in their roles in society. Though they may be able to gain form employment, back at home they are expected to perform their housewife duties as expected. This practice is still common to this date, and it is for such reasons that clarify why the document does not conflict reality in any way. Military; before the executive order given by President Roosevelt in 1941, recruitment into the American defense forces was exclusive to the white community. The white community was given preference in recruitment and promotion in the military, an opportunity which equally deserving and qualified African Americans were denied. It is for such reason that the protest march was organized by the African American community, to air their grievances on the same. Lynching; African Americans were not granted justice through the judicial systems in place before events in 1942. They were subjected to acts of lynching mostly by the white community whenever they committed an offence. Others were simply lynched because of their skin color if they were spotted in purely white neighborhoods. Such barbaric acts of injustices were part of Randolph’s argument for supporting the march. They demanded proper
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Cyborg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Cyborg - Essay Example Haraway notes the frequent occurrence of cyborg life aspects of life in modern medicine, as individuals regularly implement machines or medicine to survive or live fuller lives. More specifically, the notion of the cyborg comes to be aligned with socialist-feminism in the 20th century. In these regards, Haraway notes, â€Å"The cyborg is a creature in a post-gender world†(Haraway, p. 2). Within this notion of understanding, there are a number of manifestations of this cyborg reality in the post-modern cultural landscape. This essay examines the emergence of Haraway’s cyborg within bounce music. In examining the theory of the cyborg within bounce music it’s necessary to consider the nature of this musical genre. Emerging in the late 1980s bounce music is a version of New Orleans hip-hop (Dee 2010). While it contains many traditional hip-hop elements, including rap lyrics and sampled beats, the genre is also very different from other forms of rap. In these regards , prominent bounce musicians have experimented with post-modern gender concerns and have implemented what is referred to as ‘drag rap’ vocals. Another prominent aspects are the lyrics, which are â€Å"mostly about sex and are so habitually obscene that they have helped keep bounce from spreading too far beyond its New Orleans borders†(Dee 2010, pg. ... 2). These cyborg elements are directly witnessed in many of the aesthetic formulations that have emerged in bounce music. One of the most prominent such versions of this occurs through the bounce music performer named Big Freedia. Big Freedia is the stage name of Freddie Ross. With the Big Freedia character Ross dresses in drag and performs bounce music. It is this exploration of sexuality and perversity that are characteristic elements of the cyborg. Indeed, one considers that the theory of the cyborg presents a version of the modern human as existing in a post-gender environment. While many of the prominent themes in rap music value realism and a gritty depiction of street life, bounce music differs as it explores hybrid themes and increased emphasis on irony. Such themes, as shown above, are both prominent elements in Haraway’s theory of the cyborg. Another prominent example of these themes of irony can be seen in terms of the bounce music videos. One prominent artist in th ese regards is Katey Red. In her video ‘Where Da Melph At’ the director films a woman seated in a car. As the woman places on a bounce music CD the music begins and a house of people with bright colored pajamas exit and begin dancing to the music. The scene is one of great absurdity and humor, yet in this scene one witnesses what Haraway has envisioned as a modern manifestation of the human condition. In these regards, the perversity as seen in the dancing where the individuals rapidly shake their rear-ends. In addition, the bright colored pajamas also reflect the Haraway’s ironic criteria. Another prominent criterion of the cyborg is the breaking down of the separation of the human and the animal. Haraway notes that the,
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Ozone and Global Environmental Politics Essay examples -- pollution gl
Ozone and Global Environmental Politics A thin layer of gas called atmosphere surrounds the Earth. The atmosphere serves two important purposes: it is a filter for the suns dangerous ultraviolet radiation rays and keeps the heat, necessary to maintain life on earth, within the stratosphere (Vorlat 361). Ultraviolet light is incredibly dangerous to all the organisms within the Earth's ecosystem because it causes skin cancer, effects the immune system, and harms plant and animal life. For that reason the atmosphere and the ozone layer within it are crucial to a stable life on this planet. The ozone layer is in danger, however. It is facing depletion by a toxic man-made substance called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Together the international community is working through treaties and conventions to stop this environmental problem. To understand the problem behind ozone depletion we first must understand what ozone is and how it works. Ozone is a thin protective layer that starts nine miles up in the air and continues up in the sky thirty-one miles (Kellner 20). It serves as a screen against the sun’s harmful UV rays by protecting plants and animals, as well as people from skin cancer, immune system problems, and eye disorders, such as cataracts (Ozone Treaties). Ozone is a gas, often a bluish color, made up of three oxygen atoms instead of the typical two. Ozone forms when solar ultraviolet rays and oxygen molecules meet. The result of the meeting is free oxygen molecules that form to regular oxygen molecules to create ozone molecules. Thus the process repeats (Vorlat 361). So in essence the sun’s rays are destroying oxygen molecules to create the ozone that is going to serve as a filter for the planet... ...nment Programme. (1997) The Climate Change Convention. New York, New York. United Nations Department of Public Information. United Nations, Press Release. (1999, March 16) 84 Countries Now Signed on to Kyoto Protocol. [on-line] Vorlat, Katrien. "The Chemistry of the Atmosphere." International Environmental Law Anthology. Ed. Anthony D'Amato and Kristen Engel. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1996. Warrik, J. (1998, November 15) 160 Nations Endorse Pact on GlobalWarming Compliance; Accord Speeds Up Timetable for ‘Action Plan’ on Environment. Washinton Post. [on-line] bin/document/wp_auth?DBLIST=wp98&DOCNUM=61971. Wysham, Daphne. â€Å"On Eve of Clinton Visit World Bank Grants China $330 Million for High Polluting Coal Project.†25 June 1998.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The Disobedient Angel Gabriel
Angels throughout history have been shown to have vital roles in the relationship between humans and God. In different religions such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, angels are shown to be the attendants and/or guardians of man and heralds of God. The Bible illustrates that angels appear most of the time as ministers of God will, though they make seldom appearances, angels' usually appear to reveal a forthcoming event (Briggs). One good example on this is when an angel is used to deliver the good news to Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ.Through a message of an angel, Mary was able to know that she will be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and give birth to the son of God. Though angels and demons are mainly in perceivable to human vision, artists often depict them as human beings with wings. Angels are argued to have no gender, therefore, most aesthetic interpretations, particularly on film, depict angels as androgynous beings. Theologians conversely argue that angel s do not have any physical form and only manifest their presence by taking human appearance.Angels are also said to believe like cherubim who only comes in head forms and has no body at all (Kreeft 23). Aesthetic interpretations with religious themes have varied over time. The product of human imagination has branched out to a more surrealistic state. From novels demoralizing the foundations of the Catholic Church to motion pictures concerning angels disobeying God, and devils aiding humans, these interpretations appear to have tendencies close to being blasphemic, if not, satanic. Nonetheless, it is important to scrutinize if such interpretations are reflections of personal belief or exercise of artistic license.The Bible in many accounts suggest angels are messengers of God, their prominence are evidently read on the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible also mentions of there is a certain angelic division: for the good and the bad angels. The good angels frequently me ntioned are Michael and Gabriel; evil angels meanwhile include Apollyon, Satan, and in some account Lucifer, who is believed to have once started an unsuccessful rebellion against God (Bamberger 23). In consideration to the aforementioned accounts, it is inevitable to ask, can angels disobey God?Interpretations of a rebellious Gabriel have been portrayed in motion pictures such as Constantine and The Prophecy. Though the two are different in the manner of how the archangel is presented, both films show Gabriel’s angst over humanity. The two films show different expression of hatred but are similar in motive that is anger over God's love toward humans. There are certain reasons why it has come to rebellion and disobedience of God’s will. In the motion picture Constantine, the protagonist speaks to a woman who goes by the name Gabriel (who happens to be the archangel) who rejects Constantine’s attempts to reconcile the angel with God.Gabriel in the motion picture refuses to go back to God's grace for the reason that she believes God's innate goodness has some selfish undertones. Gabriel is also driven to rebel because of apparent envy over humans, that God gives them salvation with ease. In her anger, Gabriel pledges to infect humanity with hell’s corruption stating that salvation should only be given to the noble and heroic, and that only happens in the time of disaster and terror. The Prophecy meanwhile revolves around Gabriel doing every means necessary to end the angelic standoff war in heaven.Gabriel's anger in the movie concerns the fact that humans have souls and angels do not, as such, humans can easily escape damnation. Gabriel in turn rages out on humanity by going down to earth and attempting to capture a dark soul. Simon, one of the good angels is however a few steps ahead of Gabriel as Simon captures the soul first and hides it in the body of innocent little Mary. Gabrielle then confronts Simon regarding the dark soul's w hereabouts, but the latter only answered that he hid it somewhere.Finally, Gabriel kills Simon by setting him on fire and ripping his heart out. This is one great sin against the will of God because taking away life from someone is indeed punishable and a clear manifestation of disobedience. The Prophecy and Constantine both disrupt the balance between heaven and hell or good and evil since primarily, angels and demons can wreak havoc without command from their respective superiors. In another note, the Bible and Christianity is focused on human obedience to the will of God and not on any unholy affairs.The films also defeat the purpose of harmony between God and Man, in such a way that God's entrusted attendants on earthly affairs become the very evil that they are fighting against. Angel Gabriel on both films appears as a very unsympathetic being, as if he is or was never a herald of God to begin with. Though the two depictions of Gabriel vary, in Constantine, Gabriel is androgyno us while in The Prophecy, Gabriel is a male. The film has implications of blasphemy given the extra-biblical ideas applied in the motion picture.In Constantine, the angel takes a human form; this however does not comply to any theological aspect since Gabriel in the film is genderless. In this regard, how can an angel assuming the figure of a woman be androgynous? Gabriel in Constantine and The Prophecy is also corrupted by envy and arrogance, primarily on her refusal to come back to God's grace. Apart from the obvious, Gabriel also shows despise for humans due to the gift of salvation. Humanity is made by God to be imperfect beings; hence, it is natural for man to sin because of such imperfection.Angels are supposed to be God's messengers or man's guide. In the Old Testament the expression â€Å"sons of God†always refers to angels (Job 1:6, 2:1; 38:7). However, the film Constantine suggests that Angels can simply go down from heaven and simply burst out their flaming emotio ns on the imperfect humans. Regardless if the movies' versions of Gabriel are fictitious or products of wild imagination it clearly defies biblical regard of angels. It is true that the bible indicates the existence of dark angels but why would filmmakers depict one of God's messengers in such a vile manner.In the two films, the depiction of Gabriel is a good symptom that human imagination has crossed its limit. Furthermore, Gabriel, and angels generally serve as guardians, if they are to be portrayed in such an account, then there would no longer be a need for the term demons. Since angels can turn bad willingly, and raise hell on earth, the concept of angels is surpassed by depictions such as the ones in Constantine and the Prophecy. The depiction of Gabriel in Constantine and the Prophecy defies the very foundation that defines the scriptural concept of angels (Donner). Constantine and The prophecy are also satanic to some extent.Primarily due to the films' portrayal of Satan in Constantine, Satan is set apart from the conventional depiction of the devil, though his act in the motion picture is still motivated by his corruption. Constantine imparts Satan as a helper, instead of a doom bringer as he helps Constantine hinder his son Mammon from conquering and bringing hell on earth. The reason of Satan's aid is based upon his greed of losing his power as the ruler and perpetrator of all evil. Upon learning of his son's (Mammon) plot, Satan immediately sets aside all personal grudge and conflicts with Constantine to stop Mammon.In spite of Satan's motive, the motion picture ultimately illustrates Satan as a helper, thereby giving him an element where he could be praised. It is considerably confusing for a demon to do such way of helping others. Since the first thing to enter in our mind when we hear the word is Satan is that there is no capacity for him to do any good at all. More Satanism implications and provocations are in the film Constantine particularly in the scene when time stopped upon Constantine's second commission of suicide, Constantine would have failed in his act of redemption without the help of Satan.It seems the motion picture is explicating that Satan has a similar power to that of God. He can also make things possible according to his own power. The Prophecy also represents Satan in an unconventional manner, but Satan's adversary in the film is through Gabriel. The motion picture illustrates Satan exerting efforts to save the world as the protagonist Thomas tries to stop Gabriel from bursting out his hatred of human beings thereby unleashing hell on the human realm. Satan also gives his ideas on how to defeat Gabriel in his devious plot of destruction.In The Prophecy, though Satan is driven by a threat, he still helps Thomas. Satan helps Thomas to prevent Lucifer from employing his plan because another angelic revolution will unleash another hell, and that makes two hells. The concept of two hells will disrupt the bal ance of good and evil. More importantly, Gabriel’s plans will destroy all creation; his presence on earth is already trespassing on the human realm, since he has no message to deliver. Then he plans to create a path of destruction? Why not simply create a character based on the natural order?It is clear that the makers of both films thrive for ingenuity by thinking of a concept that they think is original. However, they have failed to do so since they destroyed the true nature of an angel's purpose. They also ruined the true nature of Satan by giving him a different tendency and making the latter choose a lesser evil. The devil in the Prophecy persuades Thomas to use Gabriel’s lack of faith against him. The reason given by Gabriel in starting a war is that God no longer speaks to him, while in Constantine, Gabriel refuses to reconcile with God because pride and envy.The two conflict on their reasons but they still turned their backs on God. The Prophecy and Constantine is about a war concerning supernatural elements, in this case it is notable to feel the absence of God in both motion piheraldctures. The prophecy though has its implication on faith, specifically on the strategy the devil taught to the main character Thomas, it does not emphasize on God Himself. Constantine conversely insinuates God's intervention, particularly on the scene where Constantine is saved by a light upon his second commission of suicide.Constantine also gives reference to God as he is shown praying in one scene, though God's name is never mentioned in the prayer. In The Prophecy meanwhile has no particular mention of God's intervention on the angelic wars. The only remark on God in the Prophecy is on Gabriel's explanation that God does not speak to him anymore. The film in this case is biased since it has its emphasis on the archangel Gabriel and Satan, but does not have any representation of God, even any account of God's involvement in the motion picture's plot.In th e motion pictures' disregard for God, the film has managed to misunderstand God's will. Mammon's birth in the human realm requires to be willed by God, in this particular scenario, it appears that the film is insinuating that it is God's will for Mammon to be born on this earth to start creating a hellish kingdom. It is furthered by the fact that Gabriel prevented such horror from not happening since he murdered Constantine's assistant (Kramer) who is trying to stop Mammon's earthly cross over from happening.In Kramer's act, it is confusing if it is a dilemma whether is a good deed to stop Mammon from crossing over or defiance to the arguable will of God. The two motion pictures gave out manifestations of Angel Gabriel in a different perspective. The stereotypical notion about him as an angel who always does good deeds and is ever faithful to God is changed by the films. Gabriel’s image form the bible is one who always helps in delivering the good news.He is the angel entrust ed to reveal to the Jewish Pharisee and Priest Zechariah that he will have a son (John the Baptist), He was also responsible for â€Å"The Annunciation†revealing the birth of Jesus to Mary and according to later legend, he is also the unidentified angel in the book of Revelation who blows out the horn to announce the Judgment day. However, The Prophecy and Constantine gave out a different version of Gabriel who counterattacks God for his own sets of reasons. This is done through the intercession of the devil. In the prophecy Gabriel looses his faith on Thomas and he also stated the reason for starting the war.He felt useless because God no longer speaks to him. In Constantine, Gabriel’s pride and envy made it hard for him to have reconciliation with God. In any case, Constantine and the Prophecy have failed to acknowledge God by destroying the balance of good and evil, defeating the purpose of angels and demons, and giving a positive treatment of Satan. The films' gap s on the true sense of angels and God's will do not even concur to any perspective or belief that involves the two important elements. Moreover, the ambitious imaginative intents of the film only showed that human imagination have underlying satanic and tendencies of blasphemy.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Theory Of Crime The Classical View - 960 Words
There are two main views that explain who or what may be responsible for crime: The classical view, which views crime as a result of a person’s decision to commit a crime. This is due to the belief that every human has free will and are therefore responsible for their actions. The second view is the positivist view, this view believes that a person’s decisions are not made due to free will, but shaped by society and the environment that they live in. From these two main views branched many different views to explain who or what may be responsible for crime; known as criminal behavioral theories. Influenced by the classical theory is the rational choice theory, all the other theories; biosocial, psychological, social learning, and social structure is influenced by the positivist view. The rational choice theory believes that when the reward â€Å"rationally â€Å"outweighs the punishment than a crime will be committed. There are two different views on this theory. Firstly, the lifestyle theory, which believes that the youth chooses to live against the rules of society. Secondly, the routine activity theory that suggests that crime is committed when an offender has an easy target, with no one or no security to guard it, and there is a motivated offender. The weaknesses of this theory are that not every offender is â€Å"rational†when they decide to commit a crime. They may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which would affect their rational thinking. Therefore, they may commit aShow MoreRelatedBiological and Classical School1265 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction The Classical School of criminology emerged during the eighteenth century after the European Enlightenment period. It was during this time that law enforcement and laws were disparate and unjust and punishment was brutal. Members of the Classical School would demand justice that based on equality and human punishment that was appropriate for the offense. 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