Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Media Of A Third Estate - 3243 Words
Current news media can no longer be considered to occupy the position of a fourth estate [Writer Name] [Institute Name] Current news media can no longer be considered to occupy the position of a fourth estate Introduction The new media distinctively associated with the nineteenth and twentieth century the press, radio and television, the cinema and the record industry have traditionally been grouped together under the heading mass media’ and their study developed as a part of the sociology of mass communications (Jim, and William, 2007). At one level, this inherited vocabulary fulfils a useful descriptive function; people know what is being referred to when such terms as the media of mass communication are used. At another level, however, such terms may prove positively misleading. It is dear, for example, that the news media which are customarily referred to in this way resemble one another only superficially. The relationships between the state and broadcasting inst itutions, for example, are quite different from those which obtain between the state and the press or, different yet again, between the state and the cinema. Similarly, the relationship between industry and audience is quite differently articulated in the case of the record industry as compared with the film industry (Myria, 2014). Discussion Access to knowledge is important to the health of democracy for minimum two causes. First, it assures that people make responsible, informed options despite than actingShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of a Leading Real Estate Company in Virginia, CBPRO1423 Words  | 6 Pages CBPRO is a leading real estate company in Virginia, an independent franchisor of the Coldwell banker brand since 2001. CBPRO’s business focuses on residential real estate services such as selling, buying, and leasing houses; has 299 agents in 13 offices. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
We Must Complete Co Ops - 884 Words
I will never cease to be amazed by how quickly I fall in love with ideas. I become completely consumed with a thought. I will go to New Zealand and work there and hike everyday, living out of a van with my best friend. I will attend Business school and love it and travel the world while doing so. I will go to Fiji, live on a rural island for four months teaching a class of ten year olds how to do long division. I have been lucky enough that all of the above things I have had to opportunity to do. Well. I am still in the process of business school and I might not say that I loooove it. It is pretty great though, you know, for university. And now my next thought. My next break through. I only found out about this idea 24 hours ago and I have been completely consumed with it for that entire time. In school we must complete co-ops; a great chance to try out careers to get some experience under your belt and they are paid. So it is exam time now which means procrastination is at an all time high. Lately when I procrastinate I look up potential careers for myself. It helps to motivate me, seeing a career that I would love to do that a business degree would be necessary for. It promotes the mindset that maybe I am doing the right thing spending ten thousand dollars a year on stress and books. I have a major travel bug and a huge passion for global volunteering so I always end up on their sites looking for positions. Let me tell you how much I wish I wanted to go into finance. ItShow MoreRelatedPlayer Modes Of Video Games1502 Words  | 7 Pagesways, but the way we play modern games has changed as well. Consider player modes. Player modes determine how a game will be played and is important to consider before purchasing a game. 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So that, the choices associated with major, future job or kind of programs are controversial problems in general public, especially the issue of whether or not Co-operative (Co-op) education is better than traditional (Non Co-op) programs.Read MoreProject Clerk : My Role As A Management Engineer Essay1564 Words  | 7 Pagesas well as writing the draft copy. Moreover, I also assist to complete the Powerpoint and rubric. Nancy (Project Clerk): Throughout the project, my most prominent role was the secretary (mostly for milestone 4). For the first milestone, I created the Ishikawa, which outlined what kind of a tool the group wanted to created, why we want to make this, and how. Next in the second milestone, the team created a list of 8 functions we would like to implement in the tool. I was in charge of makingRead MoreTeam Collapse at RWH3340 Words  | 14 Pagesaudit would likely take a longer period of time to complete than the promised two and half weeks (the audit team completed the audit in this time frame in 2007) due to a) the expectation that extra work would be required related to possible asset and receivables write-downs as a result of the economic downturn; b) some accounting policies had been changed, which led to more time required from senior associates to help guide junior associates and co-op students through the company’s new set of circumstancesRead MoreWhat Is The Evalua tion Score Worksheet?1221 Words  | 5 PagesWe recommend scoring the applications in sessions, rather than one here and one there. You will find your sense of judgment more parallel among applications. 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Operations- ease of shipments received in relation to use of barcodes, accuracy of documentation/packing lists, transportation Purchasing- ease of ordering process, confirmations of PO, confirmations of shipment, consistency of lead time Service- RMA handling, sales resources, drop shipment process Marketing- Co-op program, rebate opportunities, trade show support AttachedRead MoreAcute Facility United Hospital Center. I Chose United Hospital1077 Words  | 5 PagesAcute Facility United Hospital Center I chose United Hospital Center (acute) located in Bridgeport, West Virginia. This hospital is transitioning from paper to EHR (EPIC) as we speak, and the EHR (EPIC) is going live on August 1, 2017. At this point, doctors’ offices (non-acute) who collaborate with the hospital are implementing and using the EHR system. The person I interviewed from the health information management department is Tina Williams. She has been a long time employee of United Hospital
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Science Limitations Free Essays
Science is a great way to learn and understand how our universe works. Once we learn science, we’re opened many new doors and can even learn how to manipulate our very own universe. Throughout the course of human events, science has helped mankind overcome a wide range of issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Science Limitations or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, science is a double-edged sword and has also brought many new issues. It is important to place limitations on science and research in order to prevent or abate anything that can go wrong during the ursuit of knowledge. The pursuit of knowledge can often blind one of potential problems that can arise during or after an experiment. â€Å"l collected the instruments of life around me, that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet. †(Shelly 285) In Frankenstein, we can see that Victor becomes very elated to what he might infuse to his creation. However, he does not consider what might potentially go horribly wrong during this process. He doesn’t think anything can fail because the power to create something has shrouded his Judgment. It is for this very same reason why we have many energy and environment crises in our world today. Many scientists wish to help a company, themselves, or humanity and are engulfed by the end result that they become ignorant to any possible unwanted byproducts or results. Jeremy Rifkin also elaborates on the ignorance caused by the pursuit of knowledge in Biotech Century. Fears over the possibility of transgenic genes Jumping to wild weedy relatives heightened in 1996 when a Danish research team observed the transfer of such a gene – something critics of deliberate-release experiments have arned of for years and biotech companies have dismissed as a remote or nonexistent possibility. †(Rifkin 31 5) Rifkin explains that the transfer of genes from altered crops to weedy relativ es could create super weeds that are resilient to herbicide, pests, and viruses. These super weeds would cause farmers to spray even more herbicide on them. Naturally, this would affect our food supplies because we would be spraying so many harmful chemicals to the soil and to the food that eventually ends up at our dinner table. The companies and scientists seeking either onetary gain or any form of knowledge, deny any possibility of any deviations from their plans. Seeking to create plants that are resilient is a noble cause; however, ignoring the proven fact that it can also destroy the environment through the unintentional genesis of super weeds is another example of shrouded Judgment. The examples on ignorance, instigated by the pursuit of happiness, which Shelly and Rifkin elaborate upon, are clear reasons why there should be limitations imposed on scientists. Shelly also demonstrates how scientists meddle with nature and attempt to usurp nature’s role. l pursued nature to her hiding-places. †(Shelly 286) Victor was obsessed with the idea of having the power to create life. â€Å"†¦ listening attentively, demoniacal corpse to which I had so miserably given life. †(Shelly 289) Up until then, Victor was drunk with the idea that he was going to create the perfect specimen and the next evolution of man. Once Frankenstein was born, Victor was horrified that his plan to usurp nature had backfired. He realized Frankenstein was a â€Å"demoniacal corpse†and not human. This wasn’t a simple experiment where you could redo an experiment many times for a favorable result. Victor had created a monstrous living creature. He had introduced the living creature to an exotic environment, physically superior to others, intimidating in appearance, and predestined to be persecuted in a world where he had no idea why he was there. Rifkin also gives insight to the topic of scientist’s endeavor to usurp nature’s role. â€Å"In Just the past 18 months, genetically engineered corn, soy and cotton have been planted over millions of acres of U. S. farmland. Genetically engineered insects, fish and domesticated animals have also been introduced†¦ †(Rifkin 313) Companies are ntroducing thousands of new living specimens into real environments without a single thought of the real problems that could come out of these actions. Just like Victor, theyre caught up in the moment of having the power to create new life that has never even existed in nature prior to scientific advancements that allowed it. Consequentially, these new genetically engineered specimens can have disastrous effects on exotic environments that aren’t used to having them. They’re the modern Frankensteins. Rifkin appeals to the reader’s ethos by saying that, similar to Frankenstein, these enetically engineered creations are the works of man and are potential threats to any ecosystem they enter. â€Å"Genetically engineered products also reproduce. They grow and they migrate. (Rifkin 313) This means that the genetically engineered products of a lab can freely migrate themselves to any part of the world they can tolerate. Everyone is aware of the destruction brought by introducing exotic animals/ plants to ecosystems that are in harmony. Scientists are playing â€Å"ecological roulette†when they release these engineered creations because even if they were to admit or ind out that their creations had devastating effects, they would be unable â€Å"recall genetically engineered organisms back to the laboratory, especially those organisms that are microscopic in nature. (Rifkin 313) Rifkin and Shelly both make outstanding arguments on why there should be limitations on science where scientists dare not tread for the sake of order. They agree that the power to create life instills an ignorance that also gives birth to new sets of potential problems. Science will always be present in society because it holds a lot of prominence. Science is how we understand our universe and it allows us to hape it as well. Science has helped mankind out of the caves, increased the average life span, and also let us Journey to places where man could only dream of. Of course, like anything in this world, science will require a cost to advance. The cost can be in the form of problems that were nonexistent in nature before that sometimes do not outweigh the benefits. These same problems will also challenge our own humanity as well and our future on this planet. For these reasons, Rifkin, Shelly, and I believe that whilst science is a powerful force for the advancement of the human Is planet. How to cite Science Limitations, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Accounting and Ethical Requirement-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.Prepare a letter of advice, for Jeffrey in relation to the procedural, accounting and ethical requirements he would have to meet to comply with the requirements under the Migration Act 1958. 2.What are your Obligations as a registered migration agent under the Code of Conduct? Answers: 1.Letter of Advice To Mr.________________ Address____________ Respected sir, We have applied for a Class UC subclass 457 visa that is granted for the temporary work in the continents of Australia. The visa will be granted by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Australia. You are appointed as a registered migration agent for completing the act. It is to be noted that being a registered agent in the migration sector, you should have to understand the basic principle of the Migration Act and the Regulations. Common principle of the migration law is applicable in Australia. The Migration Act 1958 and Migration Regulation Law 1994 in Australia regulate the migration law. There are certain provisions categorised in the Act and the Code of conducts that are deal with the validity of the visa of special class. In the present case, a problem arose regarding the 457 visa. It is a kind of visa that is provided to the employees who want to do temporary work in the Australia and this type of visa is common in the country. This type of visa arose in the period of John Howard, who was the Prime Minister of Australia. It became subclass 457 visa in the year of 2012. Department of Immigration and Border Protection are in the duty regarding the procedure of the visa. There are certain requirements are mentioned under the law regarding the applicability of the visa and being a registered agent, it is required you to know about the provision. The visa holder can work in Australia for a term of four years and he must have someone who has no restriction regarding the internal affairs of the country. The benefit regarding the visa holder is that he can go and come in that country as much as he can. There is no restriction regarding the travel of the visa holder but there is a limitation regarding his stay at the country. Another requirement is that the holder must have to take certain examination regarding the English language and the health requirements as well. There are certain restrictions applicable on the visa holder according to the provision of Migration Act 1958. Visa holder must have to engage in the workplace that is mentioned in the pre-nominated place. They must be associated with the work of their sponsors and they have to work for the days that are not less than 60 days. The Australian government has certain provision to review the application of the visa holder. These visas are granted for the temporary works and the limitations regarding the same is short term in nature. Certain criticism raised regarding the validity of the visa as certain situations are cropped up regarding the same. It has been noticed that most of the visa holders are not getting well paid by their sponsors and due to this there is a negative impression on the image of the visa are created. The initiatives taken by the government for ease the rules of the visa by excluding the language base requirements from the visa holding ground is also criticised. It should be notified that in case of granting the subclass visa (subclass 457), there is a need for explanation of certain procedural, and ethical requirements are to be done by the Migration agent. The term migration agent is an agent, who takes the responsibility regarding the procedural techniques of the visa holder and facilitates the proceedings. There is certain code of conducts that should be followed by the agent regarding their own job. However, it should be kept in mind that the provision of the code of conducts is applied only to the registered agents. Section 287 of the Migration Act 1958 has provided certain provisions regarding the same and it should be kept in mind that the agent must follow all the rules that are to be mentioned here. There are certain provision regarding the violation of the same has also been mentioned. In case of a breach is made or if the agent is alleged to violate the provision of the code of conduct, administrative proceeding can be taken agai nst him. The procedure can be taken place as per the provision of the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994. If there is any misrepresentation regarding the same is done, the offender must have to face the criminal proceedings. It also attracts the provision of the Trade Practices Act 1974. However, there is no intention of the code to snatch away any duties that are imposed on the registered migration agent. The code is regulated by the Common law of Australia. Certain specific abilities are set out in the Code that must be abided by the agents. An agent should have certain professional qualifications that are to be pointed out by the Migration Act 1958. The agents should interact with the customers diligently. It is important to maintain the client list properly and deal with the customers fairly. There is a specific cost imposed for the granting of this visa. It may be varies if there is any person added in the visa. General fees regarding the visa are $420. The nomination fees are $330 and for the main applicant, the fees are $1,060. There are certain additional charges are applied on the visa and the amount is $700. The Migration Act has specified certain provisions regarding the procedural fairness of Migration Act. If there is any situation arises that, make the visa invalid, the ministers have power to cancel the same on the said ground. The provision relevant to the effect has been described under section 109. According to section 133, the minister can cancel the visa if there is a scope regarding the hamper of public interest takes place by the invalid visa. If the person who applies for the visa has not passed the qualification test, then the Ministry as per the provision of section 501A can cancel the same. In a case, where the person is alleged to have a past criminal record, the visa can be cancelled. Character test plays an important role regarding the issuance of visa for the temporary work. Under the provision mentioned in Section 501(3A), the ministry is conferred with the power to cancel the visa if the expected holder could not able to crack the necessary examination. Character test starts up by way of a police checking regarding the behaviour of the person. It is to be notified that whether the person was held for the criminal offence like child abuse or the sexual harassment. If any of the allegations be proved against the person, his visa will be cancelled. The procedure of cancellation is depending on the discretionary power of the Ministry, but no arbitrariness can be allowed and there must be certain specific reason shown by the Ministry. Ethical issues arose in the case where there is a dilemma regarding to come into a conclusion on the visa problem cropped up. In the case, certain ethical issues cropped up for the justification of the validity of the visa. There are certain provisions stated under the law of Migration that are specified under section 47 of the Migration Act 1958. In this letter of advice, the above noted provisions of the Code of conducts are being made for the better understanding of the same. It is yours duty to maintain a close relationship with the clients, as you are a registered agent. You are appointed as a registered agent for doing the job. You have demanded an amount of $3,800.00 as professional fees including GST and fees of disbursement. You have also asking for an amount of $1,500.00 to commence the work, which had been accepted by the Woods Engineering as an agent fees. The term disbursement denotes to pay certain money is paid for the cash expenditure that can raise the cash flow. In simple word, disbursements are paid by the company to do certain works. In this case, Wood Engineering promised to pay certain amount of money to Jeffrey for obtaining consent regarding the issuance of the visa by the respective authorities. Out of pocket expenses are the expenses that are to be spent without a possibility to get it back. Both of the terms are used to spend money for the fulfilment of certain work. In this case, the company wanted to disburse a certain amount to you regarding the subclass visa. The process of the visa by the agent is governed by the Migration Agent Regulation Act 1998 (MARA). There are certain provisions mentioned under the Code of Conduct for the migration agent. There are certain provisions mentioned under Migration Act 1958. It is a mandatory provision under the Migration Act that an agent must be registered. Therefore, these provisions are regulated the activities of migration agent. Concluding, I am sure that you will follow all the criteria regarding the issuance of subclass visa from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and complete all the requirements as and when necessary. Regards, 2.There are certain provisions mentioned under the Migration Act 1958 that specifies the rules for the validity of a proper class of visa. In the present case, there is a case regarding the subclass visa are described. Generally, there are two sections that are deals with the requirements for the validity of the visas. A problem arises here in the case that the applicant told the migration agent that she had not paid fully for the visa and it was after four months of the lodging for the application. There are certain provisions mentioned in the Migration Act and in the Migration regulation that stated that all the procedures are needed to be met properly. Here in the case, a dilemma has been made in between the Jeffrey and the visa holder regarding the non-payment for the visa. The situation is attracted the provision of the code of conduct with an intention to deal with the problem. It has been mentioned under the code of conduct that every agent, who are registered under the Migration law, should be followed up certain rules that are specified under the code. The code has regulated the conducts or the ethics of the agents and there are certain grounds that are providing a full statement regarding the behaviour of the agent to the customer. It has been stated under the Code that the agent must act diligently with the customer and should not violate the provision of the Code and the Migration Act 1958. However, there is another situation cropped up here in the case. The applicant has confessed that she failed to meet the total amount of money payable for the visa and the company also knows the facts. There are various provisions mentioned under the code of conduct regarding the customer agent relationship and it has been stated that the agent must keep the confidential nature of the transaction if any and maintain a record regarding the financial criteria of the same. In the code of conduct there is a provision that stated that the agent should have certain information on the customers accounts and in case where a situation regarding the money has been cropped up, the agent has every right to disburse certain amount from the accounts of the customer. However, in such case, the agent must maintain all the necessary documents and should serve the customers a copy of it. The registered agent can keep an account to operate the expenses and if there is a necessity, the agent can disburse money from that account and send all necessary documents and copy of the same to the customers and the related company. All that is necessary for meeting the criteria is that the agent must fulfil all the requirements of the Migration Act 1958. He must act in good faith and maintain a good relationship with the customers. In certain situation, if there is a dilemma arose, the agent must take the assistance given in the Code of Conduct and should not violate the provisions of the same. Therefore, it can be stated that the registered agent should have to meet all the obligations mentioned in the Code of Conduct in case of dealing with the customers. Reference: Aleinikoff, T. Alexander, and Douglas Klusmeyer, eds. 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